Autism Diagnosis: Embracing Me - A Poem by WeBearish

Autism Diagnosis: Embracing Me - A Poem by WeBearish

Autism Diagnosis: Embracing Me

In a world full of color and light,
A child finds out, to their delight,
That they have a mind that's bright and wide,
A journey on a special tide.

To a doctor's room, they bravely go,
A word to learn, a seed to sow.
"Autism," it's said, with a smile so kind,
A term for the wonder in their mind.

No fear in this, no need for fright,
It's just a guide to their unique light.
It's a part of them, but not the whole,
A single color in their beautiful soul.

Hand in hand, with mom and dad,
Their hearts are full, and far from sad.
"Autism," they say, "or not, it's true,
We love you just for being you."


So they journey on, with hearts a-glow,
Embraced by love, as they grow.
They learn that being different is fine,
It's a part of their unique design.

So remember this, dear child, and see,
Autism diagnosis? It's okay to be.
For you're loved, every day and night,
Just for being you - and that's just right!


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