The Colors of Autism Month: An Enlightening Poem by WeBearish

The Colors of Autism Month: An Enlightening Poem by WeBearish

Autism Month

April shines, Autism Month,
A time for understanding, a time for love.
Autism is unique, clear and true,
And a part of humanity’s diverse crew.

Like different birds soaring high,
Each mind can touch a unique sky.
Autism Month, it helps us convey,
The value of being, unique each day.

Autistic people, different and bright,
Have their own ways to sense different sights.
They're individuals with their own tone,
In this world, that's also their home.

April we learn, we comprehend,
To walk together, as a friend.
We share knowledge, cultivate,
A world where love, just resonates.


Embrace the colors, every hue,
Every mind, that's old and new.
In Autism Month, we enhance,
Our journey towards acceptance.

Remember this, the golden rule,
Whether at home or when in school:
Love everyone for who they are,
For each of us, is SUPER AWESOME!


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