What's The Autistic Meaning? Read The Children's Poem From WeBearish

What's The Autistic Meaning? Read The Children's Poem From WeBearish

What's The Autistic Meaning? 

In a world full of colors, a wonderful array,
Let's tell a tale of the autistic way.
It's not a single story, or a straight route,
But a journey full of mystery, there's no doubt.

Autism isn't one thing, no, not at all,
It's as varied as the leaves that in autumn fall.
Some folks may find words hard to express,
Yet their feelings and thoughts, they richly possess.

Others love patterns, and lines so neat,
Numbers and facts make their hearts beat.
Sounds may sometimes feel too strong,
But that doesn't mean there's anything wrong.

Some might need space, others want to hug,
Some like it quiet, some comfy and snug.
Yet each one's special, each one's unique,
With their own way to think, to feel, to speak.


Everyone's different, like stars in the night,
Each one shining with their own special light.
In this vast sky, where we all play a part,
There's space for all, each mind, each heart.

Autism's a spectrum, wide and grand,
Not just something to be simply planned.
It's a dance, a song, a radiant gleam,
A vibrant chord in life's vast dream.

So remember, each child, each girl, each boy,
Each and every one is a bundle of joy.
Different paths, different minds, under this sun,
But all are loved, yes, each and every one.


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