Understanding Autistic Meltdowns Through a Children's Poem - WeBearish

Understanding Autistic Meltdowns Through a Children's Poem - WeBearish

In a world that's sometimes too bright and loud,
Each of us sit in our own thought cloud,
Sometimes our feelings grow strong and tall,
And expressing them can be hard like brick walls.

Have you heard of an autistic meltdown?
It hits like a storm in the heart of a town,
It's not a choice or a sign that is bad,
But a way of expressing when things start to feel sad.

Sometimes words can't explain the feels,
That feel real as a touch, that's solid like steel.
The lights maybe too bright, and the noises too loud,
Or maybe they're standing in a way crowded crowd.

It may seem scary, but do not fear,
For these real moments, make us all so dear.
Just like a rainstorm that can clear the day,
Meltdowns they too have a crucial place.

For every heart does feels love and pain,
In sunshine, and rainbows, and even in rain.
Autistic or not, we're still all the same,
Each with our own, unique burning flame.

In every meltdown, please remember well,
A tale of courage and strength does dwell.
So, let's be patient and kind, you see,
Autism acceptance, helps with unity.


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