Our First Year: Recapping 2023 - WeBearish Autism Acceptance

Our First Year: Recapping 2023 - WeBearish Autism Acceptance

As we step into the new year, we can't help but look back on the incredible journey we've embarked on with WeBearish. Our mission, rooted in the heart of autism acceptance, has not only shaped our path but also brought together a community of individuals who share our vision and passion. We're thrilled to celebrate our first anniversary and want to share this moment of joy with each of you who've been part of this beautiful journey.



Celebrating Milestones: A Year of Growth and Learning

Our first year has been nothing short of extraordinary. From the bustling streets of New York City at NFT NYC in April to hosting two impactful "Depressed & Not Okay" events, we've not only made our presence known but also spread awareness about the importance of mental health and autism acceptance. These events were not just gatherings but powerful platforms where we connected, learned, and grew together as a community.



Making a Difference: Donations and Charity Licensing

One of our proudest achievements this year has been our ability to give back to the community. With your support, we've been able to donate over $1,000 to families in need, a small but significant step in making the world a more inclusive place. Additionally, the licensing of our charity has been a major milestone, allowing us to expand our reach and deepen our impact.



E-commerce Success: A Catalyst for Change

Our website, a treasure trove of over 600 items, has not just been an e-commerce platform but a catalyst for change. Every item sold carries the promise of support and acceptance, with all profits being funneled into our autism acceptance initiatives. This success is a testament to your belief in our cause and the collective power of our community.



Looking Ahead: Expanding Our Horizons

As we venture into 2024, our focus is shifting towards more real-life interactions and deepening our connection with the community. The most exciting news we have is the upcoming opening of our first WeBearish Acceptance location in Las Vegas by Spring 2025. This autism-focused play center is not just a dream coming true but a sanctuary we're creating for kids to enjoy and for parents to find a moment of peace and relaxation. It's a symbol of our commitment to creating a world where acceptance is not just a word, but a reality.



A Heartfelt Thank You

None of this would have been possible without your unwavering support, encouragement, and belief in our mission. As we move forward, we do so with gratitude and a renewed commitment to our cause. Here's to many more years of making a difference, together.



Join Us on This Journey

We invite you to continue being a part of this journey. Visit our website, support our cause, and stay tuned for more exciting developments. Together, let's make the world a more accepting and beautiful place for everyone.

Autism Acceptance,
The WeBearish Team
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